



Writ­ten & Directed by ANTHONY TARSITANO

Den­nis Boutsikaris

Finnerty Steeves

Jes­sica Hecht

Kris­ten Bush

86 min­utes

City Squir­rel Films

You’ll soon be able to own this film for and about Baby Boomers. It is a dar­ling of the Fes­ti­val Cir­cuit and has won 7 times already in the ‘Best of’ category.

You should reserve your copy now.

If you have not already, you will soon face the dilemma of retire­ment. For Dante, that day has come. He looks about him at his life and finds it is no longer ‘enough’.

His wife and he are no longer together due to a ter­ri­ble inci­dent. His suc­cess­ful career as an ad agency exec­u­tive has become his tor­ment instead of his sal­va­tion. He is bored, no longer chal­lenged, dis­sat­is­fied on many lev­els and finally indif­fer­ent to the life he led for 30 years.

So one day he walks into the boss’s office and says, ‘I’m done.’

I remem­ber the day a friend of mine told me he’d been retired for 10 years already. I began to wan­der at that point what kind of dumb ass I was still toil­ing away in an unsat­is­fy­ing job. [Not the act­ing, the ‘cash’ career.]

But Dante soon learns it is not all that it’s cracked up to be. There are 24 hours of every day to be filled with some­thing besides sleep­ing late, read­ing books and Chi­nese takeout.

His jour­ney is tracked through a series of unan­nounced flash­backs that find him begin­ning in art school, meet­ing ‘the’ girl, decid­ing to scrap his art career in favor of a job in adver­tis­ing [I’ll paint in my spare time… yeah, remem­ber when we thought that existed?] and finally becom­ing the career dri­ven per­fec­tion­ist A-​type new York is lit­tered with.

He attempts to recon­nect with his art but is blocked. He sinks fur­ther and fur­ther into a morose morass. His doc­tor assures him that his sus­pi­cion that med­ical rea­sons are the cause is unfounded. He is left with no hope.

Then one day he con­fronts the one cheer­ful per­son in his life to learn his secret.

His feet are placed on a spir­i­tual path to self aware­ness through the ‘find­ing the quiet’ tech­nique. Once he finds the silence in his mind and heart, he is able to begin to reclaim his life.

I might have found this Mys­ti­cal BS had I not stum­bled across the tech­nique quite by acci­dent decades ago at Vir­ginia Beach. I gave up smok­ing, sugar, booze and elec­tronic media all at the same time.

The elec­tronic media was the tough­est. But after a month or so I could begin to hear the teach­ings of my own heart. I know that sounds nuts to those of you who haven’t tried it, but in the silence you can hear from within.

Think about it for a moment. You don’t see dark any­more. You don’t hear quiet. There is always a street­light, ‘safety light’, and some kind of back­ground music/​noise … it can’t be escaped. They are dis­trac­tions that pre­vent you from think­ing and only you can put them away by tak­ing pos­i­tive action so to do.

I chal­lenge you to watch this boomer’s jour­ney and see just how many times you relate to his prob­lems. In the end you’ll have to find your own path to the water­fall, but his is one option.

Regard­less, it is a fine film, beau­ti­fully and mas­ter­fully acted and sen­si­tively and lov­ingly pro­duced. You owe this one to yourself.

Dou­glas H. Fitzger­ald, Ed.D



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